Printable Color Flashcards For Toddlers

Hey there! If you’re on the lookout for a fantastic tool to help your child learn a bunch of colors, these color flashcards are just the thing. They’re perfect for boosting color recognition, identification, and awareness.

You’ll love the versatility of these free color flashcards – they come as a downloadable and printable PDF, making it super convenient.

Whether you’re aiming to enhance your children’s vocabulary or lay the groundwork for creativity, these flashcards are incredibly handy. Each color flashcard also includes the written name of the color, making it a fantastic way to assist the little ones in reading and spelling colors. Happy learning! 

Our Color Flashcards Include:

We’ve packed 25 vibrant color flashcards neatly across 5 A4 pages. Each A4 sheet hosts 4 colors, making every flashcard a convenient ¼ A4 size.

Inside the PDF, you’ll discover a spectrum of hues, including red, blue, yellow, green, purple, pink, brown, orange, black, white, grey, lime green, turquoise, indigo, lilac, fuchsia, tan, beige, gold, and silver.

Each flashcard is adorned with a lively paint splodge of color, accompanied by the color’s name written in black below. It’s a visual learning aid that adds a splash of fun to the color exploration journey! 

colour flashcards for preschool
color flashcards for toddlers
color flashcards printable
color flash cards printable
color flashcards

What Can Our Colour Flashcards Be Used For?

There are so many things you can use our free colour printables for preschoolers for. We’ve listed just a few ideas below to get you started.

Please feel free to print as many of these free flashcards for toddlers, stick them on cards and laminate them to make them last for a long time.

Inspire Creativity

Ask your child to select three cards. Then ask them to draw or paint a picture using those colours.

Why not place our colours posters on the wall so they can be inspired by colours whenever they fancy doing some writing. The poster can also be great to stick on the wall in a toddler’s bedroom so they see the different colours all the time.

Colour Match Game

Our flashcards make the ideal free colour matching printables. Pick a card, and ask your child to find something that matches the colour. It’s a simple but effective idea to teach colours.

Variation for older child: Pick a colour flashcard at random. Ask your child to name three things that are usually that colour.

Imaginative Writing

Place the colour cards face down. Ask your child to select two or three cards and write a story or describe something using their selected colours.

Variation: if your child isn’t at the writing stage, help them learn to spell the words. Why not print out our alphabet flashcards, and cut them out. Give your child a colour flashcard and ask them to spell the word written under the card using the alphabet letters. Start with a simple word like red and make it progressively harder.

Colour Snap

Print out several copies of the colour flashcards. Cut them out, place them in a pile and give them a good shuffle.

Deal out the cards between all the players. The youngest player places a card face up, taking it in turns, going clockwise, each player places a card down next. If the card placed on top matches the colour directly underneath, the players must shout snap. The players to shout the magic word first get to keep the pile of cards. Keep playing until one player has all the cards. The player with all the cards on the card is the winner.

All the Colours of the Rainbow

Select the flashcards featuring colours from the rainbow (use purple as violet). Ask your child to put the cards into the order of the rainbow. If they don’t know, place them in the correct order and talk them through the colours.

To reinforce the order, ask them to find something of each colour to place on top of each card.

If you’re having a momentary lapse in memory, the colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet are the colours of the rainbow, as discovered by Sir Isaac Newton.

To help your kindergarten-aged children you could also teach them the

  • Rhyme – Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain
  • acronym – ROY G BIV.

Teach Colour Theory

This is a great art activity that’s loved by toddlers and school children alike. You can use the colour theory and mix colours to see what happens when you mix colours.

Place the flashcards in the order of the rainbow. Behind each colour card, place a plate. Add a blob of red, yellow and blue paint to the plate behind the corresponding card. Tell your child that these are the primary colours.

Now mix the primary colours as indicated below on the plate in between the two colours being mixed:

Red & Yellow

Yellow & Blue

Blue & Red

Ask your child what colours are produced. You should see orange, green and purple. Tell your child that these are the secondary colours.

Using the settings on your printer you can print out smaller flashcards, cut out the blobs of colour and ask your child to design their own colour chart.

More Color Fun Activities

If you’re searching for a great tool to teach colors to toddlers and kindergarteners, these printable color flashcards are just the ticket. They’re fantastic for creating color words worksheets for kindergarten as well. We hope these ideas spark some inspiration on how to make learning colors enjoyable for your child.

And don’t forget to explore our other sets of printable flashcards, including animals, shapes, numbers, bingo, flags, deck of cards and many more. If you’re interested in more color activities, check out these entertaining coloring worksheets at Each worksheet features the color name in the middle, with objects scattered around the page for your kid to color. Happy learning and coloring! 

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