Free Printable Vase Template

If you’re looking for a printable vase template you’ll love the free printable vases from Just Family Fun. They’re the perfect resource for topics about spring or to use for Valentine’s or Mother’s day cards and crafts.

The vase printouts are ideal to hold paper flower creations, to use as a stencil to make a vase-shaped card, as a pattern for vase-shaped crafts or simply use as a colouring page. 

What’s Included in our vase template package

We’ve included 3 different shaped vases including:

  • Amphora
  • Wide Neck Vase
  • Tall Vase

Each vase is printed on size A4, but feel free to alter the settings on your printer to make smaller vases.

The printable vase templates are easy to download and ready to print.

vase outline
flower pot outline
flower vase

What Can Our Vase Template Be Used For?

There are lots of fun and educational activities you can use the free printable vase outlines for. But if you need a few ideas we included some below.

Make a Card shaped like a Vase

Print and cut out your vase shape of choice, to make a stencil. Fold a large piece of card in half. Line up the vase stencil along the folded edge of the card, and draw around the stencil. Then cut out the shape, ensuring you don’t cut along the folded edge. Ta Daa, you have a lovely vase-shaped card.

Design a Vase

Everyone loves colouring. Ask your preschooler to colour in the vase. Older children will love to create intricate designs on the vase.

Your child could even draw some flowers coming out of the top. Why stop at drawing flowers – when you could make paper tissue flowers on pipe cleaner stems. Cut a slit along the top of the vase and pop the pipe cleaners through the slit. 

Proudly display their creation on the fridge door or send it to a deserving relative for Mother’s day or to celebrate spring.

Learn about the Ancient Greeks

Step back in time and use the Amphora shaped vase that we included – it makes the perfect template to use when learning about ancient greeks.

Just Family Fun's Other Outlines

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