Printable Kids Morning Routine Chart With Pictures
Wakey, wakey little ones! It’s time to get out of bed and start the new day! Some kids leap and bound out of bed at the first sign of light. Some take a bit longer to get their bearings. And if you have kids of both types to contend with in the morning – your house might easily descend into chaos.
A morning checklist for kids can help reduce your stress levels whilst encouraging the kids to get ready for the day ahead. Whether it’s preparing for a routine chart for school or nursery – or even just to instil a sense of responsibility – this morning routine chart with pictures will help you out.
Let this daily routine chart help you create organisation in the morning. The tasks could be completed by a child around age 4 with some supervision. But you can still introduce the chart much earlier. With your help, children will get to know the routine and expect the next task. As they become more familiar with each activity, they’ll develop independence. Eventually, they’ll get themselves up, washed, and dressed hassle-free.
Kids are capable of completing household chores from as young as 2. As long as the tasks are age-appropriate, kids will enjoy getting involved and helping out. Aside from encouraging independence, kids can also learn to feel accomplished when they finish a chore. They can take pride in knowing they either helped or did it alone.
Toddler Routine Chart
Our free-to-download routine chart has 3 pages full of bright and beautiful designs. Once you’ve printed the chart, we recommend laminating or using self-adhesive plastic. This will keep your chart looking as good as new on the wall day after day. You could also introduce dry erase markers (with supervision) to mark off each task on the routine chart as finished.

Tasks to Complete:
- Make your bed
- Get dressed
- Have a wash
- Eat breakfast
- Brush teeth
- Brush hair
- Put shoes on
Both nursery and primary-aged children can benefit from a morning routine. The life skills they learn at a young age will serve them for years to come!
Imagine – no more faffing around in the morning, no more second guessing whether the to-do list has been done. You and your little ones can keep track and get prepared together.
A Customisable Morning Routine Chart for Kids
Pages 2 and 3 of this printable contain a customisable chart. There is a selection of 28 eye-catching and easily understood images. The graphics are made to appeal to both boys and girls. Your family can choose the image that best represents your mood and personality. Then you can add the images to the blank morning routine chart on page 3. We’ve added this variation because not all families have the same routine in the morning. Choose the order of activities that fit in with your morning.
Once you’ve printed the file, we recommend using something to protect the chart. Kids can be boisterous and – because it’ll be used daily, it’s better to be safe than sorry. You can protect it by laminating or using self-adhesive plastic. Or you could even use a poly pocket.
You’ll also need some blu-tack or sticky tape to add your preferred images onto the chart.
Kids, Routines, and Chores
Some kids will be absolutely delighted at the thought of helping around the house in the morning and having some responsibility. Others might take a tad more encouragement to get on board. And, honestly, both are perfectly normal. It’s about working with your child and helping them develop the skills they need to achieve the goal.
Some advice on getting kids to complete their morning routine chart:
- Accept that kids might not do the job as well as you would. If the bed is still crumpled and they’ve missed a huge smear of toothpaste on the side of their face – don’t worry! They’re trying and they will get there with practice and patience.
- The younger they start their morning routine, the more normal it will be as they get older (and start dragging their feet on the way out the door).
- Give praise for the effort, and focus less on the results.
If you would like to start ticking off the morning’s to-do list with your child download our free printable morning routine chart here. It’ll save you time, reduce stress and give your child a great lesson in independence, achievement, and taking good care of themselves.