blank face templates

6 Free Printable Blank Face Templates

Looking for an activity to do with the kids? These printable blank face templates are available in different styles. They can be used for a number of different activities.

Blank Face Templates

Using Our Blank Face Templates for Fancy dress

Use these blank face templates when you need to think of a dress up idea. Whether it’s Halloween or a fancy dress party around the corner, your child will be able to help create their own costume.

This can be achieved by printing the templates onto card, cutting around the outside of the face once it has been decorated.

Then, using a hole punch, make holes in either side of the face so that you can loop some string through to hold it in place over your own face.

Equipment Required
  • Coloured Pens or Pencils
  • Scissors
  • String or Elastic
  • Hole Punch

Demonstrating Emotions with a Template of the Face

When growing up, kids are constantly learning. With these masks there are two ways that you can encourage them to learn the differences in their emotions.

  1. You can draw some emotions and have your child pick out which they are feeling as a way to express them or match the expression on the template with an emotion.


  • You can name an emotion and have your child draw the expression that they think is correct.

This way they will be learning what each of the emotions mean and how to recognise them on other people as well as themselves.

Equipment Required
  • Coloured Pens or Pencils

How to Use Blank Face Templates to Help Kids Learn About Themselves

Part of a child’s development depends on them learning the concept of self.

Have your child draw themselves, using the hairstyle and facial structure that looks the most like them. This will get them to think about what their appearance is, or potentially what they would like their appearance to be.

Equipment Required
  • Coloured Pens or Pencils

Inspire Creativity Using the Blank Face Templates

You can use these templates of faces to look like characters that you have created yourself. Whether they are a writer who is hoping to get the image solidified in your head, or an artist who is looking for a little bit more experience drawing facial features, using these face templates could help.

Equipment Required
  • Coloured Pens or Pencils

Templates of Inspirational Faces

If you want to learn more about someone and what they value, have them think about someone that they admire.

 As either an ice breaking activity for a group of children or as a way to inspire them, have your child use the blank face templates to draw a person that they admire. Around the edge you can also get them to write the reason or reasons for this as well.

Equipment Required
  • Coloured Pens or Pencils

You can find more craft ideas here, for all ages, some even having holiday or seasonal specific inspiration!

Or, if you are looking for more templates to have fun with, like Tooth Fairy Letter Templates, Printable Dove Templates, and Superhero Mask Templates, you can always find them here.

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