PHEW! It’s a bit blowy over here and we have the perfect activity to match the windy weather. Our windy weather word search has sixteen words for you to find and is a fun combination of all things breezy! There is a colour and black & white version, both with separate answer sheets but no sneaking a peek.

Word searches are a great activity for kids to help improve concentration and focus, they are also super fun to do and are great time waster if you need to keep the family busy for five minutes – you also get to learn new windy words!
If you are feeling festive, once you have completed our windy weather word search, why not try our Free Christmas Word Search.
How To Use Our Windy Weather Word search
- Choose from our colour or black & white printable and print off as many as you need.
- Use a pen or pencil and begin searching for one word at a time from the list of words next to it.
- When you find a word, put a line through it or circle and cross out the matching weather words on the right.
- Once all the words have been found, your wordsearch is done!
Make it fun
- If you are playing it as a group activity, why not turn it into a game? The first person to find all the words wins!
- Make it even harder by setting a timer.
Download colour windy weather word search
Colour answer sheet
Download black and white word search
Black and white answer sheet
Now that you’ve got your pens and pencils out, take a look at some of our free printable colouring pages and carry on the fun. Happy scribbling!