So your little one has been subtracting shoes from the rack, snacks from the cupboard, and nerves from your dwindling supply for a few years now. Between the ages of 4 and 5, it’s time to see if they can apply all this real-world practice to their maths work! Download our free subtracting chart and worksheets HERE to get started. We will guide you through it and provide some great tips to make teaching, and learning, subtraction extra fun!
What’s included in our Subtracting Chart and Worksheet Pack?
Let’s Study the Subtraction Chart – Page 1
This handy chart provides all of the answers for subtracting up to 10. The perfect starting point for little ones. Study the chart together, until they are comfortable with it.

How to Use
- Can they spot any patterns?
Ask your child to point out any patterns they can see. If they struggle, try colouring the chart in. Kids love colouring and by using a different colour for each number the pattern will appear, as if by magic.
- Use Manipulatives
These are any small objects that you have 10 of. Small toys, pieces of pasta, coins or pebbles would work perfectly.
- Choose one of the numbers from the top row and select that many objects.
- Choose one of the numbers from the left-hand column and remove that many objects.
- Count how many objects are left. Does it match the number found where the column and row of your chosen numbers meet?
- Keep playing. Let them choose the top and side numbers and see if they can use the chart to find out how many will be left. Then use the manipulatives to see if they were right!
Top Tip – Make it fun. If your manipulatives are edible (like peas or blueberries, let them eat them as they subtract. Or, have a toy pretend to gobble them up!
When your child is feeling confident using the subtracting chart it’s time to move on. However, you should keep the chart in a safe place or display it nearby as they can use it for help or to check their answers as they work through the rest of the pack.
Let’s Do the Subtraction Chart – Page 2
It’s time to see if all their hard work and blueberry munching paid off. See if your little one can fill in the gaps to complete the subtraction table worksheet.

How to Help
- Colour pattern – Remind them of the pattern their colouring made, it might jog their memory.
- Manipulatives – Let them use the objects to figure out the answers.
- Look, cover, write, check – Have them look at their Subtraction Chart (page 1), cover it, fill in the blank spaces and then check their answers. A great activity to improve recall and find the answers independently.
Let’s Do the Subtraction Chart – Page 3
By now your little one should be really familiar with their subtracting chart and ready to tackle this challenge. Can they fill in every number on our blank chart?

Top Tip – This is a lot of writing for little hands. If they are new to writing, decide how many squares they should fill in, to practice their pencil control and number formation. Then you write the rest. They have to tell you the answers though!
Let’s Subtract the Animals – Page 4
Let’s apply all of this great subtraction knowledge to some visual problems. This is a really important step before tackling sums with numbers. Also, cute animals always make learning more fun.

How to use
For each animal type;
- Start by counting the total number of animals and write that on the first line below them.
- Count the number of animals with a cross through them and write on the second line.
- Subtract the second number from the first and write on the third line.
- Check the answer on the Subtraction Chart (page 1).
Top Tip – Point out the symbols used, minus and equals, and talk about what they mean.
Unicorn Subtraction – Page 5
Now we can start to introduce some written numbers into their sums. We still have the pictures to support and our unicorns add a bit of extra magic.

How to Use
For each row;
- Count the number of unicorns. Notice how this matches the first number.
- Point out the minus sign. Make sure they know that this means we are going to subtract the next number.
- Read the next number and cross out this many unicorns.
- Count how many unicorns are left, this is the answer!
- Write the answer on the line.
- Check the answer on Subtraction Chart (page 1).
Winter Subtraction – Page 6
After all that help from farm animals and unicorns, your mathematician will be ready to tackle these equations without pictures.

How to Use
Explain that they are subtracting the bottom number from the top number. They should write their answer below the line. The first equation is done for them, so they can see what to do.
Extra Help – Don’t forget to use their completed Subtraction Chart for help. You can always bring back the manipulatives too.
Let’s keep practicing!
We have lots more subtraction equations to solve on bright and engaging worksheets.
Let them try;
Flower Subtraction – Page 7
Under the Sea Subtraction – Page 8
Cake Subtraction – Page 9
Colour Subtraction – Page 10
Reward all of your child’s hard work with a fun colouring activity. Of course, we had to include some subtraction to let them show off their new skills.

How to use
- Solve the equation in each part of the picture.
- Match the answer to the colour guide.
- Colour in each section the correct colour.
- Display the completed, fantastic maths art!
Ready to give these super subtraction activities a go?
Did you and your child love learning to subtract with our free subtraction table worksheets?
Move on to multiplication with our Free Multiplication Activities and Multiplication Chart. Or, learn to tell the time with our Free Printable learn to tell the time Worksheets.
By Laura Davies