Free Printable Kids Losing Teeth Chart (3 Designs)

Is your child ready for the tooth fairy? Maybe it seems like only yesterday you were eagerly waiting for the next little tooth to pop in their gummy heads. And now, it’s time to start counting them back out again. If you’re looking for a creative way to record the dates of your kid’s tooth falling out, this kids losing teeth chart is the right printable for you!

Are you excited for your kid to start the next stage of their journey through childhood? Or are you crying at the thought of your baby growing way too fast? However you’re coping with your kid’s tooth loss – these bright graphics are visually inviting and educational. They also offer an excellent opportunity for you and your child to share this experience of growing up.

As a bonus – you’ll have a handy guide to which tooth will launch a bid for freedom next!

What’s Included In The Kids Losing Teeth Chart?

We’ve included three versions of the kids losing teeth chart, each with a unique and vibrant fairy graphic. There’s:

  • 1 x white background
  • 1 x blue background
  • 1 x pink background

Each coloured set has 2 parts. The chart contains a numbered (1-20) illustration of upper and lower teeth, as well as a guide showing the typical age each tooth type is lost:

  • Central Incisor (6-7 years)
  • Lateral Incisor (7-8 years)
  • Cuspid – (10-12 years)
  • 1st Molar – (9-11 years)
  • 2nd Molar – (10-12 years)

At the bottom, there are 20 numbered spaces for you to record the date of each lost tooth.

Choose the kids tooth losing chart that your little one likes best. Get them to help you keep track of those wobbly little baby teeth!

(Because there’s a length of time between lost teeth, you might want to preserve the chart in a poly pocket and folder/mementoes box.)

baby tooth loss chart
child tooth loss chart
tooth loss age chart

What Age Do Kids Lose Teeth?

Baby teeth – or milk teeth – are sort of like the training wheels of biology, if you will. But kids will soon outgrow them. While a child is growing bigger and older, they’re also growing their adult teeth in their gums. Once your child reaches around 6, they’ll start losing their small teeth and start growing their permanent – adult – teeth.

When Do Kids Lose Their Front Teeth?

Around 6 or 7, on average, is when a child will experience their first incisor (front tooth) loss. It may, of course, be earlier or later. There’s no exact science on when – everybody is different.

Though, it’s quite often around school photo time!

When Do Kids Lose Their Back Teeth?

Kids lose their molars (back teeth) around 10-11 years old. That means they’ll be losing a tooth of one type or another for around 6 years.

By the time your child is 13 (on average), they’ll have a full set of adult teeth.

Explaining Tooth Loss To Children

Many kids are fascinated by wobbly teeth. Some, however, aren’t. If your child has heard tales on the grapevine about teeth falling out, they might be understandably worried. Telling your own stories about the tooth fairy can bring magic, joy – and excitement!

Tales of the tooth fairy are also a fantastic opportunity to encourage kids to brush their teeth. Young kids in the habit of maintaining their oral health are more likely to look after their permanent, adult teeth carefully too.

Some families choose to leave a gift from the tooth fairy under their child’s pillow – and some don’t. Similarly, some choose to keep the teeth in a special box and others feel they’d rather not. There’s no correct answer. There’s only what works best for you and your family.

Do you leave a tooth fairy gift for your child? Let us know!

Complementary Printables For Your Kid’s Toothtastic Journey

In the spirit of getting kids to brush their teeth, we also have a free printable tooth brushing chart, with space to mark each day of the week as complete (both morning and night).

Perhaps your child would benefit from a whole morning routine chart that includes teeth brushing (as well as other tasks). Also have a look at our bedtime routine chart for toddlers, days of the week chart, and printable reward chart for children.

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