Printable Guess The Chocolate Quiz

Calling all chocoholics! Are you a connoisseur of everything cocoa? Can you tell a Turkish Delight from a Toblerone? Our fantastic Printable Guess the Chocolate Quiz is designed to challenge even the most expert sweet tooth!

It would be far too easy to try to guess these snacks by their familiar wrappers, so for a tasty twist we’ve taken 27 favorite chocolate bars, unwrapped them all and cut them in half!

You might have eaten these tempting treats on many occasions, and some might even be your favorite, but can you recognize and name them all from the close up pictures?

This entertaining quiz is the perfect activity to test your friends and family at a house party or games night, and also makes a brilliant boredom buster to keep the kids busy on a long car, train or plane journey. Chocolate lovers of all ages can join in the fun, and for extra excitement you can set a timer and see how many chocolate bars each competitor can guess before the buzzer goes off!  Our tasty Guess the Chocolate quiz is the perfect way to mix up your typical trivia night by adding a fun visual element.

If you’re a teacher looking for an unusual end-of-term quiz to help the kids wind down after a busy term of hard work, simply print out as many copies as you need then ask the students to guess as many chocolate bars as they can. Remember to have some chocolate bars to hand out as prizes to the winners!

If you’re enjoying our quiz with younger children, why not use it as a fun learning opportunity?  Picture quizzes are not only a great way to keep youngsters entertained, but they can also help kids practice their visual recognition, memory skills and critical thinking skills.

Why not try and discuss some of the ingredients in each chocolate bar (nuts, caramel etc.), or how we can recognize some of the chocolate bars from their shape (round, square or a triangular-shape)? Our Printable Guess the Chocolate Quiz is a perfect activity to enjoy during school holidays and will help to get the kids away from their screens for a little while. It might even tempt them to enjoy cooking their own chocolate-y treats!

So when you’re ready, get stuck into this fabulous quiz and find out if you really know chocolate bars better than anyone else you know! Not only will you test your chocolate knowledge, but you may even discover some delicious new chocolate bars that you haven’t tried before!

guess the chocolate
chocolate quiz
chocolate game

Guess The Chocolate Quiz Contains

Each page of our Guess the Chocolate Quiz contains 9 high-quality images of chocolate bars, and there are 3 pages in total. So if you’re ready to show off your knowledge of these yummy confectionery items, simply download and print our quiz and get started! There’s plenty of room to write the answer for each question on the line beneath the images.

We’ve provided space for each contestant to write their name and score on the answer sheet, and don’t worry if you get stuck – we’ve included the answers to all the questions. You can also use our answer sheet to tally up your score and see how well you did.



Our Guess the Chocolate picture quiz is free to print as many times as you like, so you can make as many copies as you need, whether you’re having quiz night at home or handing sheets out to a classroom of students.

More Fun Guess The Picture Quizzes

If you enjoyed our Guess the Chocolate quiz and are looking for more fun picture quizzes to test your knowledge, then you’ve come to the right place! We love picture quizzes here at Just Family Fun, so why not explore our varied collection and find something fun for your next party or night in with friends? From famous landmarks, and emoji quizzes to smartphone apps, we’ve got a picture quiz for everyone.

Looking for some more fun activities for parties and family get-togethers? Our fabulous range of Bingo Games and Cards has everything you need to bring excitement to your gathering and keep the fun going! We’ve got everything from traditional bingo to fun themed variations that the kids will love too.

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