Free Printable Fruit Flashcards For Kids
There’s no denying that kids love fruit. They’re sweet, they’re colourful, and they make a great snack. If you’re looking for a great way to introduce your child to new fruits or expand their vocabulary, these fruit flashcards from Just Family Fun will be perfect.
Teaching kids the names of fruits is a fun and easy way to help them learn about healthy eating habits.
Just print the cards, cut them out, and you’re ready to go! Your kids will love learning about all the different types of fruit with these fun pictures of fruit.
What Fruit Flashcards are Included?
With these fruit flashcards, you can teach your children 20 different fruits, from simple ones like apples and oranges to more exciting ones like mangoes and kiwis.
20 fruit flashcards are included in this free, downloadable and printable pdf. Each flashcard features a different fruit, with its name printed underneath in bold black.
Each flashcard is a ¼ A4 size, so there are 4 cards per A4 page. There are 5 pages. If you want smaller flashcards you could use the settings on your printer to do so.
The included fruits are:
- Kiwi
- Lemon
- Strawberry
- Apple
- Pear
- Cherry
- Bananas
- Watermelon
- Grapes
- Pineapple
- Avocado
- Peach
- Plum
- Pumpkin
- Fig
- Blackberry
- Orange
- Raspberries
- Lime
- Mango

What Can Our Fruit Flashcards Be Used For?
There are numerous activities and games you can use these fruit flashcards for. The fruit flashcards are brilliant for engaging toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners in some exciting fruit-themed activities.
The fruit printables are suitable for mums, dads, teachers or any adult looking after children.
If you don’t have an activity in mind for the fruits we have included some great ideas. To get you started we’ve highlighted some brilliant fruit themes games, activities as well as arts and crafts below.
Fruit Without the Letter “I” Game
This is a great game to play with children who can spell, read or recognise letters.
To play the game, start by saying “find a fruit without the letter A”. See if your child can find fruit without the letter A in it.
Repeat the question with any letter of the alphabet you fancy.
Variation #1: Place the fruit flashcards at the bottom of the garden. Ask the question above and have them burn up some of that energy by running to the bottom of the garden to find a fruit that’s missing the letter you have said.
Variation #2: Ask your child to find a fruit starting with a certain letter. For example, can you find a fruit starting with the letter K?
Variation #3: If you’re learning colours, ask your child to find a fruit that is yellow for example.
Fruit Worksheets
Use these printable fruits as fun worksheets for toddlers.
You could use the flash cards to let your child sort them into colours or alphabetical order.
If they are a little older, cut off the words and get them to match the word with the fruit. You could also use the fruit flash cards without the words to see if your child can spell or write the name of the fruit.
Play Fruit Snap
This fun and easy game can be enjoyed by everyone, whatever the age. This fruit variation is a perfect way to use our fruit flashcards.
Print out a few copies of the fruit flashcards, cut them out and pop them in a pile.
Deal the cards out between the players.
The basic rules are simple: each player lays down a card in turn, and the first player to call out “snap” when the two cards match wins the round. The player adds the cards in the pile to their pile of cards.
Keep playing until one person has all the cards in their hand. The person with all the cards is the winner.
Eating the Alphabet
Head to the library and grab a copy of Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert. Read the book to your child.
When you come across a fruit in the book that matches the flashcard get them to run and get the correct fruit flashcard.
For example, when they see a banana they need to run and grab the banana flashcard.
Variation #1: Another fun book to read is Handa’s Surprise.
Match the Fruit – A Matching Game
With your child, select a few of the flashcards. Try and engineer it so you take a fruit card with you that your child hasn’t tried before.
Pop the flashcards in your bag and head to the greengrocers or supermarket. When in the store give your child one of the fruit cards and ask them to locate the fruit. Repeat with all of the cards you took to the shops.
You could buy some of the fruits you found. It can be a handy way to get your child to try a new fruit or two.
Variation #1. Add a selection of fruits to your weekly shop. Place all of the fruits on a table. Ask your child to match the fruit to the fruit flashcard. You could also do this plastic toy fruit if you have any.
Have a Discussion About Fruit – Do you Like Fruits?
Use the fruit flashcards to discuss fruit and healthy eating.
Some questions you could ask are, what fruit do you like? Do you like bananas?
What colour is the apple? How many fruits are purple?
We are told that we need to eat every colour of the rainbow as it has a variety of health benefits.
Ask your child to tell you the colours of the rainbow, then ask them to locate a fruit for every colour in the rainbow.
There are several books you could use to reinforce the theme. Books such as “edible colours” and “I can eat a rainbow”.
Feel free to print out as many of these fruit images for kids as you like. Use the printable fruit pictures for our suggested activities above or for any other ideas you might have.
Have lots of fun teaching your child or children about a variety of fruits.
Check out our new flashcards below.