3 Free Door Hanger Templates – Download & Print Now!
If you’ve been on the look-out for some printable door hanger templates, then you’ve come to the right place! These free printable door hanger templates from Just Family Fun are perfect for kids, teenagers and adults alike.
We have included 3 different blank door hanger templates to suit any type of door within your home or business.
You can use them for crafts, colouring, educational play, marketing materials and much more!

What can our door hanger templates be used for?
There are multiple activities that these templates can be used for, but if you need a bit of inspiration, we at Just Family Fun have put our heads together to come up with a few ideas. You can see the list below.
Colouring In
If your child has already exhausted all of the free templates on our colouring pages, why not set them a challenge to design a door hanger for one of the rooms in your home? In fact, if you have more than one child to entertain, you can make it a competition (unless this is likely to cause rows, of course!) Set them a challenge to come up with the best design and the winner gets to hang their design on the door!
Writing Practice
Keep your child entertained whilst practising their handwriting and spelling by asking them to design a door hanger for every door in your home. It’s a great way for kids to practise some of words that can be tricky for little ones such as KITCHEN or CUPBOARD.
Playing Hotels
Staying in hotels can be a novelty that is fascinating for many children. These free printable door hangers can be incorporated in to any game of playing hotels by replicating the “do not disturb” signs that kids love to play with!
Speaking of do not disturb signs, we all know that when kids reach a certain age, they can suddenly feel the need to plaster signs on their bedroom doors proclaiming “KEEP OUT! DO NOT ENTER!” To save any damage to your paintwork, it would be much more convenient if they used one of our free printable door hanger templates to hang on the door handle instead.
Marketing Materials and Temporary Signs
Aside from the fun that kids can have with these templates, adults can make good use of them too. For example, it’s an amazingly cheap and easy way to advertise temporary promotions and special offers for your small business. Simply download and print the free template that Just Family Fun have created, add your design and hang on your door for as long as you need to. When you are ready to change the promotion, replace the door hanger with a new one. Easy!
You can also use them as temporary signs within your home. For example, you can tell your family that you’ll hang a sign on the kitchen door when you’ve mopped the floor or when you’re on an important work call so everybody knows to keep out!
There’s so many great uses for our door hanger templates that you’ll wonder why you’ve never used this free resource before!
If you have success with one of our ideas or if you have come up with a great use for these that we haven’t listed, we’d love to see what you have achieved. Just pop a photo onto Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest and don’t forget to tag us! #justfamilyfun
Also have a look at our funny pirate sayings, fools and horses quiz and google eyes template.