These simple key outline templates from Just Family Fun make the perfect resource to entertain a child that is fascinated by keys. Use them to unlock their creativity and imagination just like they would open a door.
The outlines are also perfect to use for crafts or colouring pages when reading Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (these key outlines make amazing flying keys), the secret garden or even Biff, Chip and Kipper’s Magic Key.
The great news is that we’ve included three different outlines. They’re all free to download and you can print as many as you need.
The keys can be used for a wide range of crafting activities such as colouring pages, and templates for adding key outlines to decorations on clothes or artwork for example.
Use these outlines as a printable key template for crafts, stencils, colouring and more. You could use one as the key in the classic Giants Key Game.
If you need a few ideas on how to use these key outlines we’ve included a couple below.
Mothers Day Key Card
This is a really cute idea that my child bought home from school last year. Print out the key and ask your preschooler to colour the key in. Cut it out and stick it onto a blank card.
Write on the outside of the card something like “mummy you hold the key to my heart”.
It’s a really cute yet simple idea for making any mother’s heart melt.
Fancy Dress Pirate Key
If you’re looking for some accessories to add to your fancy dress costume, perhaps for international talk like a pirate day on September 19th these key templates will be perfect for making some cardboard keys for your costume.
Print out all of the keys, trace around them or stick them onto cardboard (a cereal box is perfect for this). Cut around the outline and ta-da you have a brilliant bunch of keys for your costume.
You could also use this bunch of keys as an accessory for a police outfit.
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