Math is central to our lives, not just until we are in school. Hence, counting is a fundamental part of any child’s development. You should start teaching your kid numbers around 12 months of age. According to experts, children should start learning to add and subtract around 3 or 4 years old. The sooner they start, the faster their brains will absorb these concepts that will accompany them all throughout their lives.
The next doubt that will cross any parent’s mind, is how to teach their kids how to add numbers. Some of us have struggled in school, and most of us never really like math. How can we make it easy and fun for children to learn such an important skill? JustFamilyFun’s Free Printable Addition Chart PDF is an excellent place to start, and can also give many ideas on how to continue your kid’s learning journey even after all the sheets have been solved. Our chart is aimed at teaching pre-school children how to add to 20 and even double- and triple-digit addition.
Details of Free Printable Addition Chart PDF
These free printable addition worksheets include a useful chart on the first page, and 10 worksheets of various difficulties to learn how to add.

1.Blank Addition Grid
The first exercise is simply completing a blank addition chart. The child can initially use the first sheet of the printable addition chart as a reference, then gradually become more independent. If your kid likes a challenge, why not timing them, and then repeat the exercise to see how much they have improved?

2. Addition Chart
The second exercise uses a smaller chart than the first one, but this time the rule is: don’t look at the completed chart!
Let your child take all the time they need! This sheet will consolidate their ability to count to 10, which is the base of everything!

3. Fill in the blanks!
The third challenge is a reiteration of the first two, but this time the child will complete the bigger chart without looking at the solutions. Some of the numbers are already filled in to aid them. Again, time is not important here. This exercise is very useful to discover patterns among numbers, which will help your kid remember both additions and the numbers themselves better.

4. Apple addition
In this classic exercise, your child will start to associate numbers with objects in the real world. This is an extremely important skill to develop, as it makes the numbers “real” and their sequence meaningful. When writing the solution, the kid can both draw apples (which can be fun) or write the number, if they feel confident. This is where the real math begin!

5. Butterfly addition
This challenge will ask your child to add two random numbers between 1 and 10. This will be the first real addition they’ll make. They can use the charts they completed earlier for reference, but encourage them to try and be autonomous when they reach the last part of the exercise.
Instead of the chart, they could also use small objects like beans or beads, to build on the Apple addition exercise.

6. Dice addition
Add the dots to obtain the result! Again, this exercise helps strengthen the relationship between the number and objects (dots in this case). If you let your child figure the solution out with the help of real dice, this may take their mind away from writing the numbers, while still keeping their focus on the task.

7. Flower Power
Next challenge: match the colours to the answers! For your kid, this colour by number exercise will be a nice break from writing all the numbers, but it will still keep their mind active and improve their adding skills.
They will have to colour in the petals of the flower according to the result of the addition. Tip: let them colour the key before starting to fill in the flower, this will make the associations easier.

8. Double-Digit Additions
The next two pages are all about double-digit additions. Before you let your child dive into these more challenging exercises, make sure they are comfortable adding single-digit numbers and decomposing double-digit numbers into tens and ones. These two skills combined, will allow them to use the regrouping technique and solve the additions quicker than you’d think!

9. Triple-Digit Additions
Here come the big ones! When your child is comfortable adding double-digit numbers, it’s time to move to bigger numbers. The trick is the same, make sure they can confidently break down numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones. A good exercise is to draw three columns on a sheet of paper and let them decompose the numbers, this will help them visualise the task better and solve it quickly.

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We hope your kid liked and enjoyed our free printable addition worksheet. If you found it useful, make sure to check out our other ebooks; they are full of fun activities to help your child learn and develop many different skills! Click Here.