100 Printable Word Wheel Puzzles

Are you looking for a fun and educational activity for the family? Our free 100 printable Word Wheel Puzzles might be what you’re looking for.

Our printable word wheels has a letter in the centers that surrounded by eight other letters. The person has to make as many words as possible, but the center letter needs to be included in every word. The person to make the most words wins the game. Each letter on the wheel can only be used once for the same word. You can make the game more interesting by adding a timer.

printable word wheel puzzles

What’s Included in Our Collection of Printable Word Wheel Puzzles

Our 100 printable word wheel puzzles are completely free. Each puzzle is a downloadable PDF that’s designed to help the family develop critical thinking skills and have fun.

Blank Word Wheel Template

If you’ve finished all 100 of our free word wheels, there’s no need to worry! To keep the fun going, we’ve included a blank word wheel template for you. You can fill it in with your own letters, create new challenges, and enjoy endless wordplay with friends and family. The possibilities are limitless—get creative and keep the excitement alive!

The Benefits of Word Wheel Puzzles

Word wheel puzzles have a lot of benefits that can help everyone participating develop social and cognitive skills that will play a role in their future development. For example, our word wheels will help your children develop critical thinking skills and expand their vocabulary by challenging them to put letters togethers.


Completing atleast one word wheel puzzle a day can help alleviate anxiety after a long and stressful day. One of these word wheels can also help improve their attention span and reduces the adults chances of getting dementia. Our word wheel puzzles have psychological benefits for people of all ages.

Last but certainly not least, our free 100 printable word wheels is a excellent way to improve the family’s memory and interaction skills.

How to Make the Most Out of the Word Wheel Puzzles

1. Bring a dictionary to game night:
A dictionary might be a great tool when you play a word wheel puzzle. When you are having trouble remembering a word, a dictionary can be a great asset to have.

2. Improve your vocabulary:
Even though this game is designed to improve your vocabulary and spelling skills, you can’t look for a word that you never heard of before. It may be a good idea to expose yourself to new words.

3. Start with one letter at a time:
It might be helpful to focus looking for words that start or end with the same letter. This can help you stop overthinking about what words to find.

4. Start with the center:
Not only does the letter in the center wheel stand out, you also have to find words that have the center letter in it. It might be easier to find words that begin or end with the center letter.

5. Work your way around the wheel:
It might be helpful for you to go to the letter that next to the one you completed because it can help you focus on one letter at a time. If you’re mind is scattered all over the word wheel, you might miss some good words that could’ve been added to your list.

6. Take a break:
If you are finding yourself stressed out and tired from the word wheel, it might be best to put the pen down and take a break. Your should’t try to complete too many word wheels at once because that can be overwhelming which isn’t fun.

In conclusion, our word wheel puzzles is a great way for the family to build social skills and develop cognitive skills and have fun at the same time. They can help children improve their memory and decrease everyone’s anxiety. When you download a one of our free 100 word wheel PDF’s, everyone wins.

If you’re interested in our free printable 100 word wheels, you may also like our free printable rebus puzzles. These puzzles come with 344 work sheets with answers and they are great tools for teachers who want to teach their students critical thinking skills.

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