Our free 100 chart printable pdf pack is an excellent way to keep your child engaged when they are learning to count to 100. Our exciting activities will allow them to practice skip counting, odd and even numbers, sequencing, number formation and more. We’ve also included games and colouring activities to make sure they are having fun while they learn.
What’s Included in our 100 chart printable worksheets?
41 pages of varied and colourful learning activities!
Printable 100 Chart – Page 1
The first page of our pack is a bright and printable 100 chart. The colours help to visually break up the chart to make it easier for little ones to access. Talk about any patterns your child can see. What do the rows and columns have in common? Do they all start or end with the same number? Count individual rows and columns aloud together until they are comfortable with the patterns.

Blank 100 Chart – Page 2
A blank 100 chart is a great resource to have. It can be used to check answers to activities later in the pack. Or it can be used as an activity in its own right. Have your child colour some of the patterns that they spotted on the first page. Maybe this chart could have different colours for columns instead of rows? Or, have they looked for patterns diagonally?
Top Tip – Laminate the page and use dry-wipe markers to turn this into a fab reusable resource.

Missing Number – Page 3
Now that your child has learnt the patterns and sequence of numbers, they can start to test their knowledge. Our 100 chart is missing some numbers, they need to fill in the blank spaces and check their answers using page 1. If they get stuck, encourage them to talk about the patterns that they spotted before.
Top Tip – This is a perfect Look, Cover, Write, Check activity.

Even and Odd Numbers – Pages 4 and 5
Before you get started on our even and odd number activities, make sure your child knows what these terms mean. Demonstrate with manipulatives – small objects like buttons, pasta pieces or toys that can be moved around.
Even Numbers – Numbers that can be divided into two equal groups
Odd Numbers – Numbers that can’t be divided into two equal groups
Now it’s time to get back to the worksheets and have some fun colouring. Ask your child to colour all of the even numbers on page 4 and all of the odd numbers on page 5. They may want to start by using the small objects until they see the pattern form.

Hundreds Chart Puzzle – Pages 6 and 7
Practice some puzzle-solving skills with our hundreds chart puzzle. Have your child fill in the blanks using the colourful 100 chart as a guide. They will love the challenge of figuring out our tricky puzzles.

First to 100 Game – Page 8
Children learn best through play and our first to 100 game is perfect for this. They will become more familiar with a hundred chart and start to use some addition and subtraction skills.

What You Will Need
- A counter for each player – this could be a button, coin or small piece of paper. Use a different colour for each player.
- A dice – Raid a nearby board game for a dice. If you don’t have one, you could make one using paper and glue or sellotape. Find some instructions here.
How to Play
- All players start on space 1.
- Roll the dice and move that many spaces across the chart.
- If you land on an animal follow the instructions on their sign.
- First person to 100 wins!
Write to 100 – Page 9
Let your child practice pencil control and number formation by tracing the numbers on the 100 chart. This is another good sheet to laminate if they might like to practice again and again.

Colour by Numbers – Pages 10 to 19
Kids love mysteries and they love colouring too! We’ve combined them in our colour by numbers activities. The colour-coded instructions tell them which colour to use for each number in the 100 square. If they complete it correctly, a brilliant picture will be revealed. There are three fun challenges and they can check their answers on page 13.

Skip Counting Charts – Pages 20 to 28
We make skip counting clear and easy with our fun chart activities. Your child will learn to skip count by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10! A great way to help them to see the patterns and a good foundation for learning multiplication.
Simply fill in only the numbers that belong in the shaded boxes. When the 100 chart is complete count them aloud together.

Number Flash Cards – Pages 29 to 41
Our number flashcards from 1 – 100 are brilliant for practicing number recognition. Each card includes the number words and numerical numbers to allow your child to practice both. Using flashcards should be fun and there are different methods that your child might enjoy.

- What’s the Number – Hold up the flashcards one at a time and ask them to tell you what it is. If they get it right put it in a pile on the right. If they get it wrong, it goes in a pile on the left. As you repeat the game more should end up on the right – brilliant! You don’t have to do all 100 in one go. Pick a random selection or choose a category, like numbers ending in 2.
- Memory game – Spread out the flashcards face down and take turns to turn them over and claim a pair. In this game, the pairs won’t match as all of the numbers are different. Instead, come up with new rules.
A match could include;
- Two even numbers.
- Two odd numbers.
- An odd and an even number.
- Two cards ending in the same number.
- Two cards beginning with the same number.
- Two cards that would be shaded on the same skip counting chart.
The person with the most cards by the end of the game wins!
Did you and your child enjoy our printable 100 chart and activities?
If you both loved our count to 100 worksheets try out more maths activities with our Free Printable Addition Chart PDF and our free Multiplication Activities and Multiplication Chart.
By Laura Davies